

Information for SKJ Poland Park customers on preventing the spread of COVID-19, 2 March 2020


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Parents


due to the high risk of COVID-19 in Warsaw, we inform you about the activities planned by us, which we intend to fully implement from Thursday, March 5.

We would like to emphasize that this is a preventive plan in the event of the appearance of the disease in Warsaw and does not apply to the possible case of illness in a club member or parent, which may require other actions (including suspension of classes)




  1. eliminate visits from people who may be carriers of the virus
  2. limit visits to the club to only training participants and one accompanying person
  3. enter records of visits of people other than training participants and parents
  4. implement WHO recommended measures to protect others from unwitting infection (contacts between customers and staff)
  5. introduce planned disinfection on the premises of the club to prevent the spread of the virus by indirect routes
  6. actively collect information from club members about possible threats
  7. plan activities in the event of illness in a Member of the Club / Parent or announcement of quarantine in Warsaw


These preparatory activities will be prepared until March 5, at 3 p.m. and then successively implementation